Harley Quinn Home Again Home Again Gif
Harley Quinn is pronounced sufficiently cured to be released from Arkham Aviary. Batman solemnly congratulates her, and she assures him that she intends to put criminal offense behind her.
Out on the streets, she alarms people by walking her hyenas, only stays out of problem. Deciding that she needs to update her wardrobe, she stops in a clothing shop (bumping into Bruce Wayne in the process) and picks out a dress. Unfortunately, she hurries off with it right after purchasing it, not waiting for the clerk to remove the anti-shoplifting tag. A guard tries to become her attention, just this scares her and she starts running. When the store alarm goes off, she decides that people are still chasing her as a criminal, so she flees in a stolen car—which happens to vest to Bruce, and is conveying both a Batman-issue tracking device and Bruce'south shopping companion, Veronica Vreeland.
Batman and Robin endeavour to catch up to Harley while there's still hope of straightening out the mess. Harley leads them on a chase every bit she heads for Boxey Bennett's place to seek assist getting out of town. Bennett turns against Harley when she rejects their program to concord Veronica for ransom, and a fight breaks out between the gang, Harley, and the heroes. Meanwhile, Harvey Bullock gets drawn into the chase, and Veronica's father General Vreeland shows up in a tank.
The chaos ends with a auto-truck-tank pileup, and Harley is captured and returned to Arkham. However, Veronica Vreeland declines to press charges, since the kidnapping was adventitious and Harley meant no harm, so she has a good chance of getting out once again. Batman shows up with Harley's apparel (she did pay for it, after all) and wishes her luck in turning her life around. She gives him a peck on the lips, and then a big long buss as Robin and Poisonous substance Ivy look on bemusedly.
Tropes in this episode include:
- Absentee Actor: This is notably the only BTAS episode (before the retool as The New Batman Adventures) where Harley appears without the Joker.
- Accidental Theft: More than precisely, accidental appearance of theft when Harley walks out of the shop with the dress she just bought without waiting for the anti-shoplifting tag to exist removed. The warning goes off, a guard tries to become her attention, she panics, and things become downhill from at that place.
- Animation Bump: Of all the episodes Dong Yang animated. Rumor has information technology
that TMS did some uncredited work on the episode.
- Whatsoever Concluding Words?: When Boxey is holding Harley at gunpoint:
Boxey: Whatever last words?
Harley: Just 1... BABIES! [Harley's hyenas crash through the wall and attack Boxey] - Artistic License – Law: Under the guilty but mentally ill verdict (which is what Harley would have been most likely sentenced with considering that Arkham was built for the criminally insane), Harley would have been transferred to Blackgate Penitentiary to serve the remainder of her sentence upon existence declared sane, circumventing the events of this episode altogether.
- Allurement-and-Switch:
- Harley recognises that chin... Oh! It's Bruce Wayne!
- What starting time appears to be a encarmine gash on Boxey's rump is just his red boxers.
- Barrier-Busting Blow: Harley's hyenas burst through a wall to set on Boxey afterwards Harley calls for them.
- Bittersweet Ending: While Harley going back to Arkham is sad, the actual ending scene is pretty funny/heartwarming. Not only did Veronica drop the charges (as Harley didn't mean to kidnap her), Batman gives her the dress from the first every bit she did pay for it. Out of gratitude for this and him saving her life she gives him The Big Damn Kiss in front of everyone, while Poison Ivy watches from her cell and looks highly amused,
- Brake Angrily: What Harley does after noticing the truck Boxey's driving coming correct towards her. Unfortunately, the car stops right in front of General Vreeland's tank.
- The Bus Came Dorsum: Boxey Bennett, the crooked owner of a Gotham Urban center nightclub, fabricated a previous appearance in "Harlequinade." At that place's even a Continuity Nod to "Harlequinade," with Boxey grumpily reminding Harley that his identify got trashed the concluding time she visited him.
- But for Me, It Was Tuesday: Harley cheerily re-introduces herself to Veronica past reminding her of the Joker holding up a charity political party at which, "I was the clown girl holding the gun on ya."
- Butt-Monkey: Harvey Bullock, along with his car.
- The Cameo: Poison Ivy, just to give a speechless reaction.
- Can't Stay Normal: To her credit Harley tries, simply she has a Freak Out when a security guard comes to remove the anti-shoplifting tag. She sadly says, "Home again, dwelling again, jiggedy-jig," as Batman returns her to Arkham.
- Chew Toy: Harley and Veronica, with no reprieve for the entirety of the plot. Encounter From Bad to Worse. And Harley calls Boxey Bennett a literal one when she sics her hyenas on him. Each time Harley showed upward was catastrophe for Boxey.
- Chronically Crashed Motorcar: It's a miracle that Bullock's motorcar can even bulldoze by the end of the episode, afterward sideswiping a building, ramming a fire hydrant, and getting its roof shorn off by a tractor trailer.
- Continuity Nod:
- When Veronica Vreeland outset appeared in "Birds of a Feather", she and her friend Pierce were reminiscing about the time the Joker previously crashed the party of a friend of theirs for a hold-upwardly. Upon meeting Veronica here, Harley brings up that same party and adds that she pointed a gun at Veronica's head.
- Boxey points out that the last time Harley Quinn showed up at his door she not only destroyed his club, but brought Batman down on him besides. This occurred in "Harlequinade," where Harley was helping Batman find the Joker.
- Dating Catwoman: Played for laughs; at the episode's terminate, Harley gives Batman a quick peck on the cheek for his kindness during the day'due south mishaps. Then she stops, thinks information technology over, and gives him a passionate kiss on the lips, shyly asking him to call her after she breaks the kiss.
Batman: Don't printing your luck.
- Expiry Glare: Administered by Gordon to a furious General Vreeland after the general knocks over the commissioner'southward java mid-rant. The general backs downwardly.
- Dog Walks Y'all: Well, Hyenas Walk You When You lot're Wearing Rollerskates, anyhow.
- Doomed New Clothes: Veronica Vreeland. There she is, buying a new apparel for her appointment with Bruce Wayne and along comes a spooked Harley Quinn.
- Evil Cannot Comprehend Good:
- While Harley isn't really acting evil in this story, she'southward at a loss to understand why Batman would go out of his way to assistance someone who'd never given him anything but trouble.
Batman: I had a bad 24-hour interval as well, once.
- Additionally, the whole mess starts in the beginning place considering in Harley's experience, the simply reason a security guard would exist chasing after her enervating merchandise dorsum is because they recollect she stole it. It never once occurs to her that they just want information technology back long enough to remove the anti-theft tag and send her on her way, and she's in such a panicked land that she doesn't heed to them trying to tell her what the trouble is.
- While Harley isn't really acting evil in this story, she'southward at a loss to understand why Batman would go out of his way to assistance someone who'd never given him anything but trouble.
- Evil-Detecting Dog: Inversion. Harley'southward pet hyenas snarl and bark viciously when they encounter Bruce Wayne, but she doesn't realize that at that place's probably a reason for information technology.
- For Want of a Nail: Kidnapping, property impairment, a freaking tank rolling through Gotham, diggings craters into the street... Who knew i petty wearing apparel going on sale could end up causing and so much problem?
- Friendly Enemy: During the Arkham scenes, everyone'southward on unusually good speaking terms with each other. They've gotten so used to battling each other...
- From Bad to Worse: Harley'due south ordeal simply keeps getting more and more than insane, and while she could stop at any fourth dimension, presently it's almost understandable why she assumes information technology's impossible. First a simple misunderstanding leads to an unintentional kidnapping. And then when driving off, she accidentally runs a motorist off the road - who turns out to exist Det. Bullock, who in a fury then spends what's implied to be hours chasing her all over the city. Then, when Batman shows up they accidentally run another commuter off the route, except this 1 turns out to exist an oil truck which explodes, escalating the conflict. After criminals she goes to for help plow out to be more than interested in ransoms and taking reward of her than her welfare, her accidental hostage's father shows up with a tank and starts bravado up chunks of the city trying to get at her. By the cease of it, she's throwing around bombs herself simply because she assumes stopping information technology all is impossible.
- Goofy Print Underwear: Harley'due south hyenas attacking him reveals that "Boxey" wears blood-red boxer shorts with white hearts.
- Heel–Face Door-Slam: Poor, poor, Harley. And because Condition Quo Is God, she never truly reaches this point once more. (Or does she?)
- Hey, Await!: Harley Quinn meets Bruce Wayne and covers the top half of his face, maxim she recognizes that chin. Bruce thinks he's been found out, just it turns out it was actually Bruce Wayne she was recognizing by his chin.
- Idiot Ball: General Vreeland really doesn't seem to consider the issues that might be associated with ordering a tank to open fire on a car that his daughter is in, in the middle of a civilian population. Furthermore, a tank from one'southward own country rolling into a big urban center without a parade is usually either a harbinger of war or of a insurrection d'etat...
- Insane No More: Harley is officially declared sane and released from Arkham. Though she winds upward dorsum there at the end, her psychiatrist states that she is making real progress.
- Karma Houdini: General Vreeland for driving a tank through the Gotham streets to save his daughter. He probably acquired more than harm in a few minutes than Harley did during the whole solar day.
- Lemming Cops: At the end there's a big pileup of cars from characters seen in this episode.
- Limited Wardrobe:
- Bruce actually goes adapt shopping with Veronica Vreeland, who points out that Bruce needs a meliorate sense of manner.
- Harley realizes the same thing, comically mistaking the bystanders' horrified reactions to her hyenas as their disgust in her outdated roller skate girl outfit.
- Mood Whiplash: In the opening scene, Batman and Robin bring the Scarecrow back to Arkham:
Scarecrow: [ranting] I am the master of fearfulness! The lord of despair! Cower before me and witness terror!
Harley: [cheerful] Hi, Professor Crane!
Scarecrow: [calm] Skillful evening, kid. [back to ranting] Worship me, fools! Worship me! Scream hosannas of anguish to Scarecrow, the all-terrible god of fear!
Robin: [deadpan] I call up he's getting better. - Mythology Gag: During her concluding confrontation with Batman, Harley uses a line once famously professed by her puddin':
- The Nose Knows: Harley's hyenas snarl and bawl when they see Bruce Wayne, considering they probably realize he smells the same equally Batman. Harley doesn't pick up on it.
- "Not So Dissimilar" Remark: Batman tells Harley he was trying to save her because like her, he besides had a bad mean solar day. She looks touched by this, especially when he returns her apparel.
- Oh, Crap!:
- When General Vreeland shows upwards in a tank.
Veronica Vreeland: Daddy!
Harley Quinn: Daddy?!
- Blink-and-You-Miss-It, the hyenas accept 1 when Harley's driving nearly gets into a "playing chicken" with the tanker tank.
- When General Vreeland shows upwards in a tank.
- Papa Wolf: General Vreeland gets and so upset over his daughter's kidnapping that he starts calling in military forces to endeavour and rescue Veronica, culminating in his commandeering a tank and driving it downwardly the streets of Gotham after Harley, taking potshots at her and his daughter in her auto.
General Vreeland: My petty daughter, I was so worried!
Veronica: I noticed. - Pet the Canis familiaris:
- Afterwards all the criminals and heroes crash, Harley drops Veronica into Robin's arms and flees. She lampshades it every bit her "skilful deed for the twenty-four hours."
- Batman gives the dress to Harley later returning her to Arkham, since she did pay for it.
- When Harley learns that Batman once had a bad day, she sincerely says "Nice guys like you shouldn't take bad days." She also gives Batman The Big Damn Kiss out of gratitude for saving her life and looking out for her. While a bit inappropriate, Batman doesn't seem to mind, and it's a very touching scene in full general.
- Poor Communication Kills: A variant; Harley pays for her new dress, and then immediately leaves as the cashier is putting the money in the annals, not giving her time to remove the security tag, nor listening when the cashier tries to call Harley back. When she, naturally, sets off the security alert, Harley panics too difficult to heed when the security guard tries to explain she's set information technology off with a security tag; instead, she presumes he'due south trying to have her dress back, and she believes she'due south beingness unfairly punished for her criminal past. This leads to her running off to the women's room, donning her harlequin outfit, and making a break for information technology, grabbing Veronica Vreeland for a hostage in the bargain. If she'd only stopped and listened to what people were saying, she could have avoided the whole mess that ensued.
- Redemption Failure: Harley Quinn is pronounced sane and released from Arkham, and plans to live as a law-abiding citizen. Unfortunately, a misunderstanding while purchasing clothes make her think she'south being arrested even when she'south doing nothing wrong, and she goes on an actual crime spree to avert getting defenseless.
- Save the Villain: Batman spends the whole episode trying to at-home down Harley, seeing that she'south not well and having a Freak Out. In the climax, when she'due south about to autumn to her death, he saves her and gives her a Cooldown Hug equally she faints. Harley even lampshades this, asking why he kept looking out for her.
- Shout-Out:
- Harley Quinn, upon returning to Arkham, says the line, "Dwelling again, home again, jiggity jig." Information technology's a reference to the scene where 1 of the toys says the same line when J.F. Sebastian comes home with a woman in Blade Runner.
- The line itself is originally from the Nursery Rhyme "To Market", which goes "To market, to market, to purchase a fatty pig / Abode over again, home again, jiggity jig / To market place, to market, to buy a fat hog / Home again, abode again, jiggity jog."
- Harley Quinn, upon returning to Arkham, says the line, "Dwelling again, home again, jiggity jig." Information technology's a reference to the scene where 1 of the toys says the same line when J.F. Sebastian comes home with a woman in Blade Runner.
- Society Is to Blame: Harley uses exactly this phrase when she thinks she'southward existence framed.
Harley: I tried to play by the rules, only noo, they wouldn't let me go straight! Society is to blame!
- Tank Goodness: Harley Quinn ended up being chased by ane driven by General Vreeland after accidentally kidnapping his daughter Veronica.
[while driving away]
Veronica: Wait—what are you doing? That's my father.
Harley Quinn: No, that's your male parent, IN A TANK! - Tempting Fate: A semi-rehabilitated Harley Quinn ends up being chased by the police, as well as Batman and Robin, afterwards a unproblematic misunderstanding. After taking Veronica Vreeland hostage, she then ends up beingness chased by gangsters who wish to bribe off the debutante. After Veronica realizes Harley really means her no harm, she agrees to driblet all charges, if she gets out of this in i piece. A delighted Harley states: "For the first time today, things are finally looking up!" Enter Veronica'south hysterical Army general father, bearing down on them in a tank, Patton-fashion.
- Then Allow Me Exist Evil: Harley spends nigh of the episode clinging to the belief that if she can just become out of town she can notice someplace to hide where she can continue her dream of getting out of crime and having a normal life, just at the very cease - right before Batman saves her - she gives up and arms a grenade, deciding that resisting was pointless. She gets better, at to the lowest degree in the confines of this episode.
- This Is Gonna Suck: Harley'due south hyenas actually seem to react that manner when she tells them they're going shopping.
- Villainous Shell: Harley gives Batman a chaste trivial peck to thank him for trying then difficult to aid her all day and even bringing her the dress that ultimately started the whole mess. And so she stops for a second, thinks information technology over, tosses her dress over her shoulder to grab him tight and give him a huge passionate smooch (complete with "Mwah!"). When she breaks the kiss, she cheerfully (and a little shyly) suggests he call her, then happily heads back to her cell, dismissing Poisonous substance Ivy's somewhat bemused and knowing smirk as she goes.
- Visual Pun: When having her freak out and going back into costume, Harley declares that she'due south armed before smacking Bruce Wayne with a mannequin's arm.
- Vomit Discretion Shot: Near the end later on Batman saves Harley from falling to her death, she mutters, "I think I made a mess on your greatcoat."
- White-and-Gray Morality: While Batman and Robin are definitely good, Information technology'due south made very clear that Harley is not evil, only scared and dislocated. The same goes for General Vreeland, who is just trying to become his daughter back. While there are a few mobsters in the episode who are straight up evil, most are
One-Scene Wonder s and fairly unimportant to the story.
Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Recap/TheAdventuresOfBatmanAndRobinE16HarleysHoliday
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